Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best acne wash

« ...One of the most difficult forms of acne that anyone could have is called severe cystic acne. This type of acne is very severe, the roots are very deep, and it is usually the most unsightly of all types of breakouts. What is severe cystic acne and how do you treat it?...
...Prevention of acne is better than curing it. It is better to treat it during the onset of the condition, instead of dealing with it at its extreme stages. As the saying goes right - "The sooner the diagnosis and treatment, the shorter the healing period"....»
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«...Secondly, acne is also a genetic skin disorder. Studies show that if one of the parents have acne once in their life, three out of their four descendants will sure to have acne. Some medication, if use in large dosages can cause acne. Some people contend that acne is caused by an unhealthy diet and stress. However, this is not the case. There is no discernible connection between diet and acne, as well as stress. Acne forms in the skin and does not in any way connect to the greasy food that we eat....»
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tags: acne lotion on herpes outbreak, home remides for acne on teens, how to get rid of body acne and pimples

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