Monday, August 4, 2008

To get rid of acne home remedies and female hormonal imbalance acne

Acne Products Review - Get Rid of Zits With Acne Treatments That Actually Work
Acne appears when sebaceous glands inside the hair follicles (pores) of the skin become plugged, due to emissions that are produced faster than oil and skin cells can evacuate through the follicle. The plug causes the follicle to bulge (causing whiteheads), and the top of the plug can darken (causing blackheads). If the plug causes the surface of the follicle to rupture, the oil, devitalized skin cells, and microbes found normally on the surface of the skin can enter the skin and form small infected areas called pustules (also known as pimples or "zits").
Like most things in life, knowing the cause of a problem is a great help towards formulating a solution. This particular form of Acne is mostly caused by the fluctuating level of hormones in the body. As adolescents, going through puberty, lots of changes occur in the body and this changes are caused by certain hormone being secreted by the glands. This changes are quite rapid in nature and cause pimples to breakout on the skin.
tags: acne scar fillers, how to apply tea tree oil to prevent acne, clean and clear advantage acne moisturizer

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