Monday, June 2, 2008

Health experts top adult acne treatments

• Don't squeeze or pop the pimples! This only serves to make things worse by spreading the bacteria around and aggravating the skin.
Another possible way to treat acne to reduce sebum production is isotretinoin (trade name Accutane), that reduces the rate of sebum production and makes it less sticky. This is an effective prescription acne medication for sever cystic acne vulgaris, and also for acne rosacea. Chemically it is a retinoid, a form of Vitamin A. Both of these treatments are on prescription only, so what can you do before you see your doctor?
• Blackheads that rise above the surface of the skin and have a black tip.
tags: castor oil and acne, bloomington, mn. acne scar removal, best acne facials new york city

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